Establishing proper hockey stride mechanics and correct posture are directly linked with power and speed, yielding efficacy and efficiency on the ice. Said succinctly by Bill Guerin, "If you're using improper technique quickly, all it means is you'll go nowhere faster". Power skating teaches proper edge utilization so that edge movement becomes instinctual, adding natural agility, while playing the game. Body position is key for strong grip and balanced lean, skills that ultimately result in players having tight, quick movements. As the game gets faster, the spaces get smaller!
Extra Hour treadmill training coupled with Cathy’s Power Skating gives players the skating foundation in which all other hockey game skills can be built. We focus on a repetitive and progressive training style to ensure consistent skill development and aim to establish the biomechanics of proper muscle movement, so that each of our hockey players embodies these attributes as they develop and evolve.
This training is customized for the group and incorporates balance, edgework, stride and quickness elements.
This 1-hour class will be focused on skating mechanics. The camp will have 4 players (only) and utilize the slide boards, power skater machines & skating treadmill.
This section will give you options for 4 player skating treadmill classes, slide board & skating treadmill classes and private/semiprivate lessons, Note that we will accommodate custom group request, reach out for details. We change programming often, so please stay updated here.